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mental superiority造句

"mental superiority"是什么意思  
  • Eton has a reputation for inculcating mental superiority, grace and social status.
  • Humans'mental superiority is no defense for what some are now calling " speciesism, " he argues.
  • In determining the penalty, it shall be an aggravating circumstance if the perpetrator has gained intercourse by exploiting their physical or mental superiority.
  • In determining the penalty, it shall be an aggravating circumstance if the perpetrator has gained intercourse by exploiting his physical or mental superiority ."
  • She further notes that some naysayers have argued for the mental superiority of man because they are also physically stronger, but that this concept is faulty for several reasons.
  • Most importantly, she was ready to recognise the mental superiority of some of her advisers and to give way to a superior mind while enjoying support of her ministers even if their ideas differed from her own.
  • He is encased in self satisfied assurance of his own mental superiority . " In his speech at the Lyceum Hall, Treatt warned of Australia's attitudes on its success : " A sort of mental haze seems to obscure the vision splendid that lies before this country.
  • Burke believed such relentless questioning would lead to anarchy, while Wollstonecraft connected Price with " reason, liberty, free discussion, mental superiority, the improving exercise of the mind, moral excellence, active benevolence, orientation toward the present and future, and the rejection of power and riches "  quintessential middle-class professional values.
  • It's difficult to see mental superiority in a sentence. 用mental superiority造句挺难的
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